Step 7 Humbly asked God to remove our shortcomings.

"The preceding steps gradually bring us to a realization that our character defects, the flaws or shortcomings in our personality, have caused us a great deal of suffering throughout our lives and prevented us from completely aligning ourselves with our Higher Power's will for us." Sex Addicts Anonymous pg 43
Even though much of my life has been changed by working the previous steps, where am I falling short of what my Higher Power wants for my life?

"The power of this step is in the asking, not in the result." Sex Addicts Anonymous pg 44
Often, when we ask, we are focussed on the shortcoming. How willing am I to be open about having shortcomings and what they really are?

"The Seventh Step does not guarentee, or even predict, an outcome." Sex Addicts Anonymous pg 44
Many times, out Higher Power won't change us directly by taking away a character defect. Instead, our Higher Power may change things so that we have the opportunity to grow. How open am I to letting a Higher Power change my job, my finances, my relationships, my living situations, my legal status, and my health so that I might have the opportunities to grow? What are my reactions to that question?

"We have found that God's will for us is usually different, and untimately greater, than our expectations. Simply putting ourselves in God's hands is all that's needed." Sex Addicts Anonymous pg 44
What expectations do I have (both good and for harm) about puttin all these things into my Higher Powers' hands?

What does the wording of this step suggest for trying to make these character changes by my own strength and in my own way?

"Change occurs in God's time, not ours." Sex Addicts Anonymous pg 44
Coming into this step, what hopes do I have about when these things would be changed?

"It means that we are not too proud or ashamed to believe that we can be helped." Sex Addicts Anonymous pg 43
"One of the main ways God works in our lives is through other people." Sex Addicts Anonymous pg 44
What is keeping me from sharing my shortcomings with my sponsor and my group?

"We also discover that our character defects can become useful in God's hands." Sex Addicts Anonymous pg 45
As I share my struggles with others in the group, how am I finding my Higher Power is using my struggles to help others?

"Humility is the result of the self honesty we have gained" Sex Addicts Anonymous pg 43
"We know that we are bound to make mistakes, and we choose to learn from them rather than punish ourselves for them." Sex Addicts Anonymous pg 43
How is my humility in this step showing me how my Higher Power wants me to move on into Steps Eight and Nine?