Step 11 Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understand God, praying only for the knowledge of God's will for us and the power to carry that out.

"For the space of time devoted to meditation, seeking God's will becomes our conscious priority" Sex Addicts Anonymous pg 56 "We surrender our desire for particular results and ask only for God's will for us and the power to carry that out. We go beyond asking for things from God, into a practice of seeking to join our will with God's will." Sex Addicts Anonymous pg 58
What have I learned by asking only for God's will in my life?

"When we sense what God would have us do, we also ask for the power to carry that out. We need faith and strength to carry out God's will, for we cannot always foresee the results of the actions we are being led to, or take into account all possible effects." Sex Addicts Anonymous pg 58
How has my faith grown as I have taken actions under God's direction and seen how things worked out for good?

"We also gradually accept that God's will for us extends over all aspects of our lives, not just over our recovery from sexual addiction. We find our serenity growing as we align our will with God's in each new area that is revealed to us." Sex Addicts Anonymous pg 58
How am I better seeing my limits and learning to trust in a higher power to act when I can't?

What new areas am I learning to turn over to the care of a Higher Power and what am I learning about that Higher Power as I do so?